EVOLVE Xtra Wilmslow
Parent/Student Guide to myEVOLVE
What is myEVOLVE?
myEVOLVE is the parent and student portal for EVOLVE, a system used by schools to plan and manage trips, clubs and activities. myEVOLVE provides parents/carers with the ability to:
- View a catalogue of trips, clubs and activities that are available to their children
- View details of all the trips, clubs and activities that their children are/have been involved in
- View, download and print information relating to visits, clubs and activities that their children are involved in
- Read, complete and submit consent forms
- Make booking requests for trips, clubs and activities
Creating a myEVOLVE account
Please note firstly that a myEVOLVE account is optional and will not preclude you from completing consent forms and booking trips and clubs. These requests will be sent to the email address you have registered with the school.
However, if you choose to create a myEvolve account, you’ll be able to see all clubs and trips available to your child, make bookings and complete consent forms.
To enable items to be linked to your child please create a myEVOLVE account by clicking on the link below and following the instructions.
You can also create an account by clicking on {Create Account} button on any of the emails sent to you from Evolve (school).
Creating the account is free, and very easy – you’ll simply be prompted to enter a password to secure the account. Once the account is created, you’ll be able to manage all upcoming and previous activities from one central place – which works as well on your desktop PC as it does on a mobile device.