Post 18 Pathways

Sixth form precedes a period of major change: the end of students’ long association with school and the assumption of formal adult status, as they embark on another stage in their lives. Such a significant step requires thorough preparation; what students decide at this point will impact on them for some time to come.  The range of options is considerable and there is much to think about; planning ahead, choosing a course of action from the many options available and matching ambitions to abilities is all part of the process.

We aim to provide students with the opportunities to sample different kinds of courses and future careers, such as attending the annual UCAS convention and promoting various ‘taster days’.  However, there is a great deal of information out there and countless opportunities; we cannot cover everything in school. Therefore, whatever students’ aspirations, it is essential they are proactive about finding the facts and researching opportunities for themselves; we can provide advice and make suggestions but, ultimately, the decision is theirs.

In order to help them make the right decisions, students also have access to personalised advice and guidance, from both their Form Tutor and the Post-16 Guidance Manager. Sixth form students can also request a meeting with an independent qualified careers advisor, who provides impartial advice and guidance; these appointments are allocated based on need.

Approximately 80% of our sixth form students apply to university through UCAS. Therefore a considerable emphasis is placed on this process, which begins in the spring term of Year 12. We have a great deal of experience in supporting the UCAS process and take great pride in helping students ensure that their applications are as strong as possible. As a result, we have an excellent track record of students securing places for high demand, competitive courses, with the vast majority of students receiving the offers they aspire to.

With an increasing number of our students choosing apprenticeship and employment routes post-18, we work with Cheshire and Warrington Pledge Partnership and local employers to provide a programme to support these students with their applications, including CV guidance from employers and interview practice.

Entry to both Higher Education and the job market are more competitive than ever before.  Whatever students’ chosen routes, they will need to be proactive and ultimately aim to obtain the best possible examination results in order to persuade institutions or employers to accept them.

We offer support for students via morning registration sessions with students, assemblies and Wider Curriculum lessons in addition to welcoming external speakers after school.

Mrs Cook runs two presentations for parents/carers and students: the Next Steps at 18 evening (which includes student finance) in early March and the UCAS Information evening in June.