Student Services

Mr D Jones – Director of Student Services
WHO’s WHO in Student Services?
What are the aims of Student Services?
‘Student Services aims to provide a healthy, safe, mutually respectful environment in which students participate, are happy, have individual needs met and are challenged to achieve something special.’
The Wilmslow Way
At the forefront of our daily ethos is the mantra of ‘The Wilmslow Way’. The key elements of ‘The Wilmslow Way’ are behaviour, pride and success. Students are rewarded for exhibiting these attributes. Equally, when they fall short of our expectations they receive appropriate sanctions. Each student receives points (plus and minus) on our management information system. When students achieve certain levels, or tariffs, they will be rewarded with prizes – in recognition of their engagement with ‘The Wilmslow Way’.
What is the role of the House System?
Each student is in a House (Bollin, Harefield, Norcliffe or Thorngrove) and will remain in the same House for their entire school career. The House structure gives students a stronger sense of belonging and encourages teamwork between students of all ages within a caring and supportive atmosphere. Students represent their House in a myriad of ways from the School Council, to sports events, charitable fund raising and public speaking competitions. Many of the events are Inter-House and this encourages a healthy competitive spirit. Brothers and sisters are usually in the same House so parents and students develop a bond with that House.
The Heads of House are:
Bollin – Mrs K White
Harefield – Mr S Naylor
Norcliffe – Ms A Houston (Acting Head of House)
Thorngrove – Mr J Duffy
Each Head of House is supported by a Student Manager.
They are:
Senior Student Services Manager – Mrs A Powell
Bollin – Mrs Y Mackay
Harefield – Ms A Graham
Norcliffe – Mrs N Burgess
Thorngrove – Mrs S Williams and Mrs A Acton-Drummond
What is the role of the Form Tutor?
Attached to each House is a team of tutors. Students meet their Form Tutor at the start of their time at the school and their tutor remains the same as far as possible from Year 7 – 11. We feel this helps provide continuity for tutors, students and parents alike. Tutors are also part of the House system and this provides a further link between the tutor and the tutor group.
Each student is placed in a mixed ability tutor group of approximately thirty boys and girls. The tutor’s role is to get to know students well, support and encourage students, agree academic targets and ensure high standards of behaviour and uniform. Tutors will focus on monitoring student progress and ensure that students and parents are fully aware of action that is taken or needs to be taken to enable students to learn and achieve successfully.
During the week structured activities take place in registration periods including aspects of the Wider Curriculum programme, assemblies, day-to-day administration and monitoring of homework and planners.
We encourage parents and students to see the Form Tutor as the first point of contact and many parents use the planner as a quick way of raising an issue as tutors see their tutor group twice every day.
What is the role of the Student Services office?
The Student Services Team is led, managed and coordinated by:
Mr D Jones – Deputy Headteacher, Director Student Series
The Student Services office acts as the channel through which students can access an extensive range of specialist support, advice and guidance from other school staff and a wide variety of outside agencies
- Student Services Administration/Admissions – Mrs T Yarwood
- Attendance – Mrs Acton-Drummond and Mrs R Charlton
- Head of Inclusion – Mrs S Clarke
- Learning Support Curriculum Team Leader – Mrs L Frankham
- Medical Needs Coordinators – Mrs K Cragg and Mrs L Robinson
- Examinations Officer – Mrs F Ross
- Printworks – Resources for Learning – Mr M Bowden
- Careers Education – Mrs H Cook
- Cheshire East Youth Support Service
- Educational Welfare Officer
- School Health Services
Aims and Expectations of Students
- To foster learning within an environment which is disciplined, calm, stimulating, enjoyable and within which there is mutual respect.
- To establish a culture that values achievement, encourages students to develop their full potential and recognises individual success.
- To encourage a commitment, amongst all individuals, to the achievement of the highest standards in all aspects of school and personal life.
- To encourage the development of broadly educated, happy, confident, self-disciplined, self-motivated individuals equipped for adult life.
- To promote a partnership between the school and the community, encouraging students to be responsible, caring members of society.
- To ensure equal provision for all and supplementary provision for those with special needs.
- The very highest standards of behaviour
- The very highest level of achievement
- Support for the school’s values
- A willingness to engage in intellectual and physical challenges
- A positive commitment to the life of the school
- Respect for all the individuals who comprise the school community
- Regular and punctual attendance