Policy Type:                

School Leadership leads:                

Mr T Munro, Deputy Headteacher – Quality of Education: Curriculum

School Business Manager (School Health & Safety Co-ordinator)

Governors’ Link Committee:      Learning and Student Support
 Date of Policy:                                    

September 2022

Annual review of operations with formal policy review for spring 2023

What are we aiming to achieve?

This policy aims to fulfil the duty on the Governing Board under Section 100 of the Children and Families Act 2014 to make arrangements for supporting students at Wilmslow High School with medical conditions.  The key points of this duty are:

  1. Students at school with medical conditions should be properly supported so that they have full access to education, including school trips and physical education.
  2. Governing bodies must ensure that arrangements are in place in schools to support pupils at school with medical conditions.
  3. Governing bodies should ensure that school leaders consult health and social care professionals, pupils and parents to ensure that the needs of children with medical conditions are effectively supported.

How will we achieve these aims?

The Governing Board tasks the Headteacher with ensuring that the Deputy Headteacher – Quality of Education: Curriculum, the School Business Manager and the School Medical Needs Coordinator(s) develop and implement procedures and practices that address the following key points:

  1. Procedures to be followed whenever a school is notified that a student has a medical condition
  2. The role of Individual Healthcare Plans, and who is responsible for their development, in supporting students with medical conditions
  3. The roles and responsibilities of all those involved in the arrangements made to support students with medical conditions
  4. How staff will be supported in carrying out their role to support students with medical conditions and how this will be reviewed
  5. How staff training needs will be assessed, arrangements for whole school awareness and induction arrangements for new staff
  6. Arrangements for children who are competent to manage their own health needs and medicines
  7. Procedures for managing medicines
  8. What should happen in an emergency situation
  9. Arrangements for school trips and sports activities
  10. What practice is not acceptable
  11. Insurance arrangements, which cover staff for providing support to students with medical conditions
  12. How complaints may be made and will be handled concerning support provided to students with medical conditions

The Governing Board tasks the Headteacher with ensuring that the Deputy Headteacher – Quality of Education: Curriculum, Student Services, the School Business Manager and the School Medical Needs Coordinator(s) take full account of the DfE statutory guidance on Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions (December 2015) in developing and implementing these procedures and practices.

How will we monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of this policy?

  1. The daily operation of this policy is managed by the Medical Needs Coordinator(s) who report any issues to the Deputy Headteacher – Quality of Education: Curriculum and School Business Manager
  2. Issues are reported to the Headteacher through the weekly Quality of Education meeting
  3. The Headteacher’s Termly Reports to the Full Governing Board identify:
    • noteworthy events in the operation of the procedures and practices
    • proposed key developments in procedures and practices

What key document informs this policy?
